Sharing The Presentation Of Dr. Jay Picardal About Kalingag
Saang mga lugar sa Pilipinas matatagpuan ang Kalingag (Philippine cinnamon)? (Where in the country does Kalingag -Philippine Cinnamon- exist?)
Slides 2-4 of 41. Sharing the presentation of Dr. Jay Picardal, with his permission, during the Philippine-American Academy of Science & Engineering (PAASE) online conference last July 21, 2020. Our urban areas were once forests, too. Let’s bring back the Philippine cinnamon by planting it in pots or on the ground.
Be sure to plant your own Philippine cinnamon at home, as part of your container gardening, or in the ground, at home or in the farm, as food and medicine. Message us for the seedlings! #conservation#livelihood#health
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Column 2 – actual place where Philippine cinnamon species were actually collected / place of occurrence (written in type and voucher specimens)
Column 3 – places where cinnamon species are likely to be found predicted by SDM
Column 4 – natural habitat