8 Ways To Use Your Philippine Cinnamon Leaves
Sharing 8 ways to use your Philippine cinnamon leaves: as natural and healthful flavoring to dishes like adobo, humba, lechon and in boiled foods, tea (analgesic), steam inhalation (tuob), aromatic water mixed with alcohol, essential oil, aromatic water as facial moisturizer, aroma in steamed rice, and flavored water. Click pictures for procedures. Plant your own Philippine cinnamon at home or in the farm for your own food and medicine. Only 70 seedlings are available this week. Message us! #conservation#livelihood#health
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Put 5 leaves in 1 kg of peanuts for boiling. May also be used in all other boiled foods like banana, corn, cassava, meats, others. The leaves is also used when cooking meats like humba, adobo, and lechon!

This tea was made using Philippine cinnamon bark. However, leaves can also be used for tea. Here’s how: Boil 1 liter of water. Once water is boiling, lower fire, and drop 5 leaves (torn or crushed) and simmer for 5 minutes. The tea can be taken hot or cold.