Philippine Cinnamon Project
We still remember in 2017 when we first met and told the farmers that kaningag IS Philippine cinnamon, and that it is a valuable tree for the forest and all that lives on it, and as food and medicine. They were amazed because many farmers were using the kaningag for charcoal then. They don’t have yet the idea that those trees create precious spice that’s why it’s endangered to be extinct and there are only 50 Mother trees estimated left. That was the start of our Philippine cinnamon project. By 2019, the farmers have planted 14,000 seedlings, and we have also presented and received approval from DENR for the collection of wildlings, planting and harvesting of the Philippine cinnamon as a livelihood project. Fast forward 2021, the farmers are now quite aware how important the trees and seedlings are, and they now guard their trees. The value of the Kalingag (Cinnamon Tree) went up ; it is now treated precious.
Be sure to plant your own Philippine cinnamon at home, as part of your container gardening, or in the ground, at home or in the farm, as food and medicine. Message us for the seedlings! #conservation#livelihood#health
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