Kalingag Remains Precious
On April 27, 1521 (500 years ago today), Portuguese explorer, Ferdinand Magellan, died at the hands of the tribe leader, Lapu-Lapu. The Spanish fleet returned to Spain with 17 pounds (7.7 kgs) of Mindanao cinnamon (Mallari, 1974). Cinnamon (various species) was like gold at that time. Today, the Philippine cinnamon kalingag remains precious as ever, as it can be used in food, medicine, cosmetics, and organic pesticide try our various Philippine cinnamon kalingag products!
I hope you could plant your own Philippine cinnamon at home (pot or ground) and Philippine cinnamon at home, as part of your container gardening, or in the ground, at home, or in the farm, as food and medicine. Message us for the seedlings! #conservation #livelihood #health #local
Shopee: Plantsville Health https://shopee.ph/shop/59400862/
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